Thursday, April 23, 2009


I sat in wonder the other day when I saw reports and video clips of President Obama declaring that he may pursue investigations into the implementation and documentation of torture by certain folks in the Bush administration.

Next, I see a tag line regarding the liberals pushing the Administration to pursue stridently the investigation and (I'm assuming) the prosecution of the Bush Administration on what they call torture.

I won't get into the discussion of what torture is in this particular post...perhaps later.

However, I will say that this pursuit of investigation by this new Administration could potentially set a very bad precedent for follow-on administrations. It could become the norm of new Administrations to delve into all aspects of previous administrations and prosecute them.

Some would say that this is a good thing, and cause administrations to deal forthrightly. I would disagree. Here's why: What is legal now may become illegal in a few years. For example, certain policies and procedures used in the FDR and Truman years (segregation, for example) were considered legal. However, those aspects of Americana are now considered illegal. Should we pursue legal action against the remnants of these administrations (and their kin)? No, of course not.

So, President Obama should drop these statements of investigation and move on to more important issues like winning the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the elimination of oppressive dictatorships in this hemisphere (Venezuela, for example, whom the leader President Obama shook hands), and promote liberty to the world.

It is still way too early to declare that President Obama is either the worst or best president ever; however, it is very hard for me personally to put any faith in his abilities as President when all he seems to be doing is apologizing to the world. For what, I'd like to know.

Honestly, this country, regardless of what the liberal left says, hasn't promoted colonialism in any real sense, and is not responsible for the evil things occuring in the world as we're being led to believe or feel. Frankly, without the shining city on the hill image that is cast around the world, there are literally millions that would perish.

I think the Bush Administration should be hailed as one of the greatest behind Reagan's and Lincoln's.

Think of it: millions upon millions were freed from oppression and murder. The Iraqi's were taken out from under the onus of Hussein. The Afghani's were taken out from under the onus of the Taliban.

Reagan pushed the final pillars of the Soviet empire out and caused its ultimate collapse, freeing hundreds of millions, if not billions.

I don't consider FDR or President Clinton as being in the same league. I just don't. FDR's policies deepened the depression to the point that a war was required to get us out of it. President Clinton's claim to fame as a presidency are a few stains on blue dress and being impeached.

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