What an interesting word, fear. What do you think of when you see, hear, or read the word? Does a childhood memory spring to mind? Sometimes it does for me. Do you recall a scary movie, or book? I can tell you that scary movies are one of my least favor genre's, for books and movies. Or are you propelled into a litany of mental review pertaining to our daily lives and the goings on in this world? This is what I mostly do, sadly.
In today's instant information age, we all hear of tragedy and terror almost as soon as it occurs. For example, the plane crash in New York last week. I'm thinking I heard about that within 30 minutes of its occurrence. And the Gaza war in the middle east. We hear of death and destruction within moments, which typically includes a body count (women, children, etc). How striking this is to me. I work in the information industry so I have a fairly comprehensive understanding of the digital technology that transports this information, as well as a novices understanding of the capture of the video, sound, and pictures.
Another prime example is any news station at all. Just pick one. They all pander fear, and liberally. We are constantly bombarded with messages that incite fear in us, or can if we let it. Murder, robbery, rape, human bombs, political messages, the list is endless. Blood and death really do sell. And we tend to be happy receivers of fear. Sometimes I think we live for it; can't wait to listen to the message.
What to do? There's the really simple thing such as don't watch the news. Avoid the fear-pandering. However, this isn't always wise in that you kind of lose track of what's happening in the world. The trick is to be able to see and hear the message they're espousing, and process it such that it doesn't engender fear. How do you do that?
That's a good question. Some good natured people seemingly have this stuff run off them like water off a ducks back. But, after constant inundation of this message, they falter and fail. Again one asks: What to do?
Trust. Trust in what? Can we trust in humans? I can tell you that trusting in a fellow human doesn't always work. As a matter of fact, it almost never does. I can count the folks I can trust on one hand, perhaps two, but no more. Humans are weak and fallible. When I say weak, I don't speak of physical muscle strength. I speak of their inherent strength of will. Some would call this stubbornness. Others, a resolute spirit. Some folks have told me that I'm as stubborn as a Missouri mule. I try to stand firm for those I love. Steel spine and all that. But, even the most hardened steel and firm foundation can fail.
Trust? Trust in the Lord. I recently heard a message about living life with worry. This is the sort of thing that fear creates: worry. I'm super guilty of worry. Jesus talks about worry. One of the verses that I recall when worry and fear come knocking is this: Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? (NIV, Luke 12:25). If I was able to add an hour to my life by worrying, shoot, I don't think I'd be dying any time soon.
Is this easy? Heavens no! It's monumentally difficult! Why? Because we're human and fallible (there's that phrase again); we're weak; we stumble and trip; we listen to the wrong influence. How can we possibly battle this negativity and sour influence? What can we do?
Trust. Like I mentioned, man I was so much the worrier. Things like financial issues, kid issues, home issues (literally, the house), car issues, stuff like that would just present itself, and off I'd go, sprinting down the path of worry. And the funny thing is, this always happens at a time when I could do absolutely nothing about it! Right in the middle of the night, my eyes would pop open, and I'd be a worrying fool. So I started trying something. I'd pray. I'd pray and say something like "Lord, I can't do a thing about this now. I need my sleep as I'm not yet an eternal being. Take it; it's yours." And then I'd start quoting scripture. I'd start recalling God's word on this matter. Alternatively, I'd get out of bed, go downstairs to my office, grab my Bible, and (this really sounds sophomoric) I'd close my eyes, open the Bible, and put my finger on the Bible. There I'd start reading. Like I said, that Bible pointing sounds childish, but how else are we to approach the throne? I can tell you without wavering that the scripture that I pointed at (entirely with God's direction) worked. It worked. And it works.
Soon, worry is gone, and I'm snoozing again.
But, what if you're not a Christian? There are two, perhaps three paths you can take:
1) Do nothing. Let worry consume your soul.
2) Seek counseling. This can help, but won't yield a long-term resolution. The here and now may be remedied, but there will always be the nagging of fear and worry.
3) Give yourself to Christ. How? How does one do this? Frankly, it's so simple, that many, many religious denominations (and false beliefs) have been created so that man can "work" their way to God. Balderdash! If you will recall a comment that I made previously concerning a "childish" approach, and that this is how we (as Christians) approach the throne, it's absolutely TRUE. Christ has already paid the price. All's one has to do is call on the name of the Lord, and be saved. Simple. This is like an all expense paid trip around the world, at absolutely no cost to you, and you saying, "Well, nah, I gotta go to work in the morning." Thing on THIS when the worry bug comes knocking. Consider Christ... How does one initiate this saving experience? I know you've seen folks in an attitude of prayer if you have been alive for more than a few moments. It's almost like those "clear your mind, and meditate" things. Get quiet...close your eyes...you don't have to, but it may help to be in a kneeling position...bow your head and say something like "Lord, you've paid the price for me. There's nothing I need to do except accept the gift You've already paid for. Lord, I believe you want to be my saviour. I believe You are my Lord and my Savior. I believe you died specifically for me. I want Your gift! I want you! Please come into my life; into me; into my heart. Lord, create me me a new heart! Thank you, Lord!"
Now, if you've prayed that prayer or something akin to it, and were honest and truthful, you're my brother or sister in Christ! Does this mean life is easy? Does this mean life will have no further problems? In a word, nope. It will mean that things could very well get worse. I'm not going to lie to you; I'm going to tell you the truth. What this DOES do for you is give you eternal LIFE (not death), and an eternal FATHER, and an eternal LORD. You have someone to share all your troubles and issues with. You have Jesus! What a wonderful thing!
I know that I'm another blogger, blathering on about this or that, but frankly I've been thinking about this for several days, and I finally did something about it. Will anyone see this message? Who knows. But, God is great, His ways are NOT ours, so when God inclines me to do something, I do it. So, I do this so that He may be glorified. I do this so that if there IS someone out there that these words will touch and help begin the process of fear-release, wonderful. If not, I've done my bit; I've performed the task I felt led to do. God will see to the increase.
Please feel free to notate this Blog with anything you feel inclined to say, good or bad....I may not publish or post it, but you can say what you will....God loves you anyway!
Against Liberal Theology: Introduction
14 hours ago
As you are falling more and more in love with Christ, I am falling more and more in love with you! What a wonderful man God has blessed me with! Love, your wife